Test Scores

CSDCAS participants have the option to have GRE and TOEFL scores sent electronically to CSDCAS. This functionality makes it easier to have verified score data within CSDCAS without needing to scan or upload score reports from Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Students completing their core CSDCAS application are prompted to self-report relevant test score data. One option available to participants is to use unverified scores early in the review process and require official scores later in the review process. Thus, applicants will need to order and pay for an official score only after reaching a set point in your review process (e.g., following an interview) or after being granted conditional admittance.


All applicants to CSDCAS programs should use TOEFL code C122 to have official TOEFL scores sent to CSDCAS.  Unlike the GRE, only one code is needed in CSDCAS for TOEFL.

Obtaining a CSDCAS GRE Code For Your School

You may already have a GRE code unique to your program, but to have official scores delivered directly into WebAdMIT, you must submit a request to ETS by completing the GRE Score Reporting Form (see application on right). ETS will assign a CSDCAS GRE code to your program and post the information on the applicant portal, so students will be aware of the code for electronic delivery. We also encourage you to post this information on your website.

If your university accepts these official GRE scores reported through CSDCAS and does not require an official GRE report directly from ETS, there is no additional cost to you. However, if your university wants to receive official scores directly from ETS in addition to those reported through CSDCAS, ETS will charge an annual fee* for sending the scores twice (once to CSDCAS and again to your university). The annual fee is $300 for paper scores and $300 for Scorelink Internet delivery (not available to new users). If you wish to continue receiving GRE scores as you have in the past, there is no action you need to take.

Your institution can download GRE score reports in multiple formats without encryption software free of charge through the new ETS Data Manager. 

If you have any questions about obtaining a GRE Institution Code for your CSDCAS program, contact ETS Code Control at 1-609-771-7091 or cas@ets.org.